Trade History

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Trade History section displays all the transactions done by you in the particular scrip in the past. You can also view useful statistics like Total buy, Total Sell, Net Buy/Sell, Booked P/L, Notional P/L in the particular scrip.

View your past trades for the given scrip

Trade History section displays you the following details:

  • Date & Time – this field displays the date and time when the particular transaction was made. In case any transaction is added manually, the system will display time as “00:00”.
  • Buy / Sell – this field indicates whether it is a 'buy transaction' or a 'sell transaction'.
  • Quantity – this field displays the quantity traded for the given transaction.
  • Trade Price – this field displays the price at which the given transaction was traded.
  • Brokerage – this field displays the brokerage for the given transaction.
  • Traded Amount – this field displays the total amount traded in the given transaction.

Besides, the section also provides you some useful statistics pertaining to your transactions in the given scrip. These statistics include:

  • Total Buy – this field displays the total buy quantity for the given scrip. It is the sum of quantities of all buy transactions entered by you.
  • Total Sell – this field displays the total sell quantity for the given scrip. It is the sum of quantities of all sell transactions entered by you.
  • Net Quantity – this field displays the net quantity outstanding in your portfolio for the given scrip. It is the difference between Total Buy and Total Sell quantities.
  • Booked P/L – this field indicates the net profit /loss booked by you in the given scrip. This field helps you in identifying whether you are able to earn profit / loss by trading in the given scrip.
  • Notional P/L – this field indicates the notional profit/loss for the given scrip. The amount displayed here, is on the basis of Net Quantity for the given scrip and their current market value.

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