NSE F&O Order Search Report

BSE F&O Order Search Report

Order Search (F&O) lets you search orders placed by you in F&O segment.

How to search an Order?
You can use any / all search options given on the form to search your F&O orders. These options include:

  1. Exchange - You can search orders on the basis of exchange in which the orders were placed. You can choose from NSE or BSE from the dropdown.

  2. Instr Type - You can search orders on the basis of their instrument type. Choose 'FUTSTK' to search stock based contracts in futures, 'OPTSTK' to search stock based options contracts, 'OPTIDX' to search index based Options contracts and 'FUTIDX' to search Index based Futures contracts.

  3. Symbol - You can search orders on the basis of underlying scrip. For ex., a Futures contract FUTSTK-ABB-28DEC2006 contains 'ABB' as the underlying scrip.

  4. Status - You can search orders on the basis of their current Order Status. You can search in Rejected Orders, Cancelled Orders, Executed Orders, Expired Orders, Order Request Sent and Outstanding Orders. To search in all order statuses, choose 'All' option.

  5. Period From / Period To - You can search all orders placed by you between two specific dates. Enter the date after which you wish to view orders in 'Period From' Date. Similarly, enter the date before which you wish to view orders in 'Period To' field.

  6. Buy / Sell - You can search orders on the basis of your call - whether you wish to view ' Buy Orders' or ' Sell Orders'. To search both, choose 'Both' option.

  7. Expiry Date Range From / Expiry Date Range To - You can search orders based on the expiry dates of contracts ordered by you. You can specify the date range in 'Expiry Date From' and 'Expiry Date To' fields and system will display you the contracts whose expiry dates lie between the given dates.

  8. Option Type - You can search for F&O Orders in which you have selected 'Call' or 'Put'. To search orders for all Options Type, choose 'Both' option.

  9. Product Type - The Product Type filter should have “All”, “Intraday” and “Carry Forward” in dropdown list.
Once you set the search criteria, click on 'Search' button. On clicking, the system works on your set criteria and displays you related records. (You can read about search results in the section below)

Order Search Results
Based on your search criteria, the system displays you the Search Result along with some related details. These details include:
  1. Internal Ref Number - It displays the internal reference number of the corresponding F&O Order. Internal Reference number is internally generated by Indiabulls for its own reference. To know more about reference number, click here...

  2. Exchange Order Number - It displays the exchange order number for the corresponding F&O Order.

  3. Contract Description - It displays the contract description. Contract Description is generated by joining various identifiers. For ex., in Futures Contracts, Contract Description is created by joining <Instrument Type>-<Scrip>-<Expiry Date>. Similarly in Options contracts, the contract description is created by joining <Instrument Type>-<Scrip>-<Expiry Date>-<Strike Price>-<Option Type>.

  4. Product Type - The Product Type filter should have “All”, “Intraday” and “Carry Forward” in dropdown list. The records should be shown as per filter applied.

  5. Stop Loss - It displays the Stop Loss Trigger Price set by you while placing the corresponding F&O Order.

  6. Buy / Sell - It displays whether you have placed a Buy Order or Sell Order.

  7. Order Price - It displays whether the order was placed at the Market Price or it was a Limit Price Order (price set by you). Note! When order gets traded (i.e., Status changes to Trade Confirmed), this field starts displaying the actual traded price.

  8. Original Qty - It displays the original quantity that was requested while placing the corresponding order.

  9. Remaining Qty - It displays the remaining quantity of the corresponding order that is yet to be traded.

  10. Order Entry Time - It displays the time when the corresponding order was placed in exchange.

  11. Good Till - It displays whether the order is valid till day (GTD) or is an Immediate or Cancel Order (IOC).

  12. By - It indicates who has entered the corresponding order.
Note! Different color legend will be used to indicate the contracts which are marked for Intraday. This differentiation will only be visible to the clients who have opted for Futures Intraday product.

You may also take the print out of the order search results by clicking "Print" button.

Also Read:
Reports Menu
BSE F&O Order Search Report