Market Watch

What is Market Watch?
Market Watch Window displays you the live market prices of 30 selected scrips. Besides, you can also view other parameters like Last Trading Price (LTP), Day's High, Low, opening price, trading volumes etc of the particular scrip in your Market Watch.

view live market price of your scrips in Market Watch

How to customize Scrips and Scrip Parameters?
By default, the system displays you 30 index based scrips and related parameters. Though, you can customize them as per your current requirements by clicking on Customize Streamer link. This link is given at the top of Market Watch Window. To know more about this option, click here...

Features in Market Watch window
Online Trading System provides you with certain scrip related features that you can access by right-clicking on the particular scrip.

Right click on any scrip to view its related features

Features associated with the particular scrip are:

Trade Now

Order Book

Intraday Chart

Scrip Information

Insert Row CAP

Delete Row

Auto Size Row

Customize Streamer (Advanced)

Save Settings

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