Scrip Information

Scrip Information feature displays you details about the particular scrip. The system displays you the following window when you click on the scrip name:

View your scrip information.

Scrip Information Details
Scrip Information section provides the following details:

  1. Company Name - It displays the name of the company.

  2. Exch - It displays the exchange name where it is being traded.

  3. Scrip Code - Every company is assigned a unique Scrip Code by the exchange. This field displays that unique scrip code of the given company.

  4. Category - It displays the category under which this scrip is being traded. There are two categories - 'A' and 'Z'.

  5. Listed / Delisted - It indicates whether the scrip is currently listed with the exchange or not.

To close this window, click on 'Close' button.

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