What is Trouble Logging in?
"Trouble Logging in?" feature enables you to resolve login related issues like forgot password, Transaction password and Locked Account. You can generate and reset both login password and Transaction password via this functionality. Please refer the table below to understand these functionalities.
Features Description
Forgot Password This option enables you to generate a new login password in case you have forgotten your existing login password. Using this option, You will receive a unique key which can be used to reset the password through the “Reset Password” option.
Reset Password This option enables you to reset your login password with the help of unique key generated through “Forgot Password” option.
Forgot Transaction Password This option enables you to generate a new transaction password in case you have forgotten your existing transaction password. Using this option, You will receive a unique key which can be used to reset the transaction password through the “Reset transaction Password” option.
Reset Transaction Password This option enables you to reset your transaction password with the help of unique key generated through “Forgot Transaction Password” option.
Unlock Account This option enables you to unlock your account in case it has been locked due to consecutive invalid attempts.

Note : RSA token feature has been discontinued and replaced with transaction password as second level authentication check. To generate transaction password please go to Forgot Transaction Password section.