View Change Log-Currency

View change log

When you click on "View Change Log" a new window will get opened and it will show a complete track record of all product transfer requests placed during the day from Intraday to Carry forward and Carry Forward to Intraday.


A dropdown option has been provided at the Top of the View Change Log window. You can select to view log of product transfer requests from Intraday to Carry forward by choosing "Transfer to Carry Forward"option from the dropdown and log of product transfer requests from Carry Forward to Intraday can be viewed by choosing "Transfer to Intraday" option.The view change log report will have the following columns:

  1. Contract Description -This field will show the contract name.

  2. Transfer Lots -This field will indicate the number of lots that you want to transfer to Carry Forward product or Intraday Product.

  3. Status- This field will display the last status for placed request. It could be ‘Intraday’ or ‘Carry Forward’

  4. Date/Time - This field will show the date and time of change (example 16-NOV-2011 10:52:04). All the details will be in descending order.

  5. User-This field will indicate that who has placed the request -"Self"or "Admin".

  6. Remarks-The remarks column will show the final status updated in the system for a particular request.

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