Previous Obligations Report

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What do you mean by Previous Obligation ?
Previous Obligation implies to the net amount that you will pay / receive for the trades done by you during previous settlements.

About Previous Obligations Report
Previous Obligations Report
displays you a list of settlements for which pay-in/pay-out dates have not arrived.
The system displays you the following window when you click this option in Reports Menu:

Here, you can view a list of your previous obligations along with the related details. These include:

  1. Settlement No - It displays the settlement number. You can click on the Settlement No to view a list of obligations for that particular settlement. To know more about Settlement Number, click here...

  2. Type - It displays the settlement type.

  3. Net Amount - It displays the net amount that one must pay or receive for obligations created during the given settlements. If one has to pay, net amount will be displayed as positive. Alternatively, if one has to receive the payment, net amount will be displayed as negative.

  4. Brokerage & Other Charges- It displays the brokerage & other charges(STT, Service Tax) that you must pay for the corresponding settlement.

  5. Net Payable /Receivable (excluding interest) - It displays the net payment that you will pay or receive in the corresponding settlement. It is inclusive of Brokerage & other charges.

  6. Funds Pay In / Pay-Out Date - It displays the funds pay-in / pay-out date for the corresponding settlement.

  7. Securities Pay In Date / Pay-Out Date - It displays the securities pay-in / pay-out date for the corresponding settlement.

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