Pay-In Short (Securities due for Auction in the exchange)

What is Pay-in Short?
There could be a possibility that scrips sold by you during previous settlements were not available in your account on the pay-in date. Such possibility can be referred to as Pay-in Short.

In this scenario, the exchange conducts an auction during off-market hours to purchase the short scrips on your behalf. If it is able to purchase scrips from the auction, then it credits them to counter-party's account and penalizes you for the 'pay-in short' as per its policy. Alternatively, if it is not able to purchase scrip through auction, then it penalizes you as per its policy and provides cash benefit to the counter-party.

About Pay-in Short Table (Securities due for Auction in the exchange)
Trades that have gone for auction due to pay-in short at your end are displayed in Pay-in Short (Securities Receivable via Auction Market) table. The details about Pay-in Short trades include:

  1. Exchange - It displays the exchange name.

  2. Sett No - It displays the settlement number of the day when the given security was traded.

  3. Product - It displays the product segment in which the particular scrip was traded.

  4. Scrip - It displays the scrip name.

  5. Transaction Date - It displays the date when the scrip was traded.

  6. Pay-In Date - It displays the pay-in date of the corresponding security.

  7. Org Qty - It displays security's original quantity that you intended to sell.

  8. Cash Debt. Amt - It displays the amount debited from your account as fine for pay-in short.

  9. Last Updated Date - It displays the date when the details were last updated.

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