Order Log (Currency)

Order Log details are generated by Indiabulls for every order generated on its website. When you click on a reference number in Currency Order Log, the interface displays you the following window:

Reference Number Table
Details displayed in Reference Number table include:

  1. Contract Description - This field identifies the contract. Contract is generated by joining various identifiers. For ex., for Futures Contracts, Contract Descriptor is created by joining <Instrument Type>-<Symbol>-<Expiry Date>, whereas for Options Contracts, Contract Descriptor is created by joining <Instrument Type>-<Symbol>-<Expiry Date>-<Strike Price>-<Option Type>.

  2. Exchange Order No - It displays the unique order number generated by the exchange in relation to the corresponding order.

  3. Buy/Sell - This field indicates whether you had selected 'Buy' or 'Sell' while placing the order.

  4. Order Price -This field indicates the price at which the corresponding order was placed.

  5. Lot -This field indicates the number of lots entered for corresponding order.

  6. Disclosed Lot -This field indicates the disclosed lots entered for corresponding order.

  7. Remaining Lot- This field indiactes the number of lots that are not yet traded.

  8. Exchange Order Time - This field indicates exchange's date and time when the corresponding contract was placed on the exchange.

  9. Stop Loss -This field will display 'YES' if order is stop loss order and will display 'NO' if the order is not a stop loss order.

  10. Order Term -This field indicates whether the order is placed as good-till-day (DAY)order or Immediate-or-Cancel (IOC)order.

  11. Status - It displays the current status of the corresponding order.

  12. Entered By -This field indicates who has placed the corresponding order

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