View Product Conversion Logs

In Product Conversion Log, client shall be able to view the product transfer from Intraday to Carry Forward and Carry Forward to Intraday.

On selecting this option, you will view the following interface:

To begin with, you need to select whether you wish to view pertaining to "Request for Carry Forward" or "Intraday ".

View Product Conversion Logs - Request for Carry Forward
On selecting this option, you will view the details pertaining to requests placed by you for converting Intraday positions to Carry Forward and vice versa . The details displayed are as follows:
  • Contract Description - this field will display the contract description in which you had placed the request for Carry Forward.
  • Quantity Requested for Carry Forward- this field will indicate the quantity that you want to convert from Intraday to Carry Forward.
  • Date / Time - this field will display the date and time when the given request was placed by you.
  • User - this field will indicate that who has placed the request - self or admin.
  • Remarks - this field will display the remarks for the given instructions, if any.

View Product Conversion Logs - Intraday to Carry Forward and vice versa
On selecting this option, you will view the log for product conversion of contracts for Intraday trading. The details displayed are as follows:
  • Contract Description - this field will display the contract name which have been for product conversion for Intraday trading.
  • Status - this field will indicate the status after the Product transfer of contract. this field will display 'Intraday' 'Carry Forward'.
  • Date / Time - this field will display the date and time when the given instruction was placed.
  • User - this field will display the user who has made the given change.
  • Remarks - this field will display the remarks, if any.

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