Exercise / Assignments

Exercise / Assignments Feature displays a list of options contracts that were either exercised by you (Buy Options Contracts) or were assigned to you (Sell Options Contracts).

Here, you will view two separate sections - one displaying Exercised Positions and another displaying Assigned Positions. Below is a brief description about these sections for your better understanding:

Exercised Positions section
Exercised Positions section displays a list of Options Contracts that were exercised by you. You can only exercise those contracts that were purchased (BUY) by you. In these contracts, the maximum loss that you can incur is the premium that was paid by you while taking Long position in them. Thus, you will always get some profit ranging from 'Nil' to 'Maximum' in these contracts. To know more about Exercised Positions section, click here...

Assigned Positions section
Assigned Positions section displays a list of Options Contracts that were assigned to you. Only those contracts can be assigned that were sold (SELL) by you. In these contracts, the maximum profit that you can incur is the premium received by you while taking Short position in them. Thus, you will always bear some loss ranging from 'Nil' to 'Maximum' when these contracts get assigned to you. To know more about Assigned Positions section, click here...

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Exercise Menu