Assigned Positions

What is Assignment?
Assignment is just opposite to an Exercise. In Assignment, the seller of an Options Contract is informed of the winding up of the particular contract by the Options buyer. In other words, Buyer of an Options Contract exercises its right and closes the open position, whereas, the seller is assigned with the obligation to close the particular contract.

About Assigned Positions Table
Assigned Positions table
displays a list of your Assignments. In such contracts, the maximum profit that you can incur is the premium received by you while taking open position in them. Thus, you will always bear some notional loss when these contracts were assigned to you.

Assigned Contract Details
The system displays you Assigned Contract details in the following format:
  1. Symbol - It displays the symbol of the underlying scrip.

  2. Instrument Type - It displays the instrument type of the corresponding contract. It either displays OPTSTK (buy scrip in options) or OPTIDX (buy index in options).

  3. Expiry Date - It displays the expiry date of the corresponding contract.

  4. Strike Price - It displays the strike price of the corresponding contract.

  5. Option Type - It displays the option type of the corresponding contract. 'CA' indicates Call American, 'CE' indicates Call European, 'PA' indicates Put American and 'PE' indicates Put European.

  6. Date Assigned - It displays the date when the corresponding contract was assigned.

  7. Quantity - It displays the quantity that was assigned to you in the corresponding contract.

  8. Loss - It indicates the loss incurred by you in the corresponding contract.

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