Exchange - This field displays the exchange i.e. NSE.
Instrument Type - You can select the instrument type from this dropdown.You can choose 'FUTCUR' for modifying/deleting the outstanding orders in Curency Futures segment or, you can choose 'OPTCUR' to modify/delete the outstanding orders that have been placed in Currency options segment.
Symbol - This will be a dropdown for selecting underlying symbol of the contract. You can select the symbol from USDINR, JYPINR, EURINR and GBPINR.
Option Type - This field is only applicable if you have chosen the instrument type as "OPTCUR".You can choose to modify/delete Currency Call option contract or you can choose to modify/delete Currency Put Option Contract.
Buy/Sell - You can select Buy/Sell to modify/delete the outsatnding buy/sell order.
Product Type - You can choose the type of product-Carry forward and Intraday, from this dorpodown option.Note! This option will remain dsiabled in case you have selected the instrument type as "OPTCUR.
- Expiry Date Range From/To: This option will enable you to search the outstanding currency orders on the basis of the expiry dates of Currency contracts. You can enter the date range in from and to fields.
- Search: After entering the search criteria, you can click on the search button, this would populate the Currency outstanding Order report.