NSE Options Complete Position Report

BSE Options Complete Position Report

Options Complete Positions section displays a list of your open positions in Options contracts. The system displays you the following window when you click on this option in Complete Positions Report:

Options Complete Positions Report Details
You can choose exchange from the dropdown.The Report provides you with several useful details which are as follows:

  1. Contract- It displays the contract in which the trading was done. Options Contract is a unique identifier which consists of the <instrument type>, <scrip name>, <Expiry Date>, <Strike Price> and <Options Type>. For ex, OPTIDX-NIFTY-28DEC2006-3430-PE.

  2. Product Type- It displays a new filter shall be provided for Product Type having filter value “All”, “Intraday” and “Carry Forward”.


  3. Current Position- Qty- This field displays the number of open positions bought or sold in the corresponding contract during current settlement.

  4. Current Position - Avg. Price- This field displays the average price at which the Current Positions were bought or sold.

  5. Net Open Position- Qty- This field displays the net open positions bought or sold in the corresponding contract. It is the cumulative sum of Previous Position - Qty and Current Position - Qty.

  6. Net Open Position - Avg. Price- This field displays the average price at which Net Open Positions were bought or sold.

  7. Current Price- This field displays the current market Price of the contract.

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