Market Statistics

Market Statistics feature displays you several key parameters to help you evaluate the market trends present during the day. These parameters include Top Gainers, Top Losers, Volume Toppers, Most Volatile Scrips, etc.

Market Research section

The key parameters displayed in Market Statistics section include:

Top Gainers

Top Losers

Volume Toppers

Most Volatile

Only Buyers

Only Sellers

Market View

Advance Decline

Get Quote / Scrip Information

  • Get Quote - Get Quote option enables you to view the latest quote of the particular scrip. You can select 'Get Quote' from the drop-down box given in this section. Once you select this option, enter the internal symbol of the scrip and click on 'Go' button.

  • Scrip Information - Scrip Information option enables you to view the useful information like company name, listed exchange, scrip code, category (A or Z), etc. of a particular scrip. You can select 'Scrip Information' from the drop-down box given in this section. Once you select this option, enter the internal symbol of the scrip and click on 'Go' button.

  • Featured Links - Featured Links section provides you with a set of useful statistics like Stock Filter, Monthly Gainers, 7 Day Gainers, etc. To know more about Featured links section, click here...

  • More Statistics - You can click on this link to view other statistics parameters like Stock Filter, Trend Tracker, monthly gainers, GDR & ADR values, etc.

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