F&O Market Wide Position Limit
Market Wide Position Limit displays the summary of specified underlying securities whose open interest have reached percentage defined by exchange in F&O segment for BSE exchange. This report displays the following window:

Market Wide Position Limit Report

The report displays you the following columns:

  1. Exchange -This field displays the exchange name in which you had placed the orders.

  2. Scrip Code - This field displays the scrip code of the contract.

  3. Underlying Asset - This field indicates the underlying asset.

  4. Segment - This field displays the segment.

  5. Product Type - This field displays product type. The options available in this are Index Future, Stock Futures, Index Options and Stock Options.

  6. Percentage (%) - This field indicates the specified percentage given by the exchange.

  7. Exchange Message - This field displays the exchange message to the client.

  8. RRM State - This field displays the RRM mode status i.e. in RRM Mode, No RRM, Out of RRM Mode.

  9. Alert Type -This field displays the alert type.

  10. Date and Time -This field displays the date and time

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