Company Name - This field displays the internal symbol of the given scrip. Note! On mouse-over, you can view scrip's related information like company name, listed exchange, Scrip code, category (A or Z), intraday and margin trading allowed or not).
High - This field displays the highest price touched by the corresponding scrip during the day.
Low - This field displays the lowest price touched by the corresponding scrip during the day.
LTP - This field displays the last traded price of the corresponding scrip.
Prev Close - This field displays the previous day's closing price of the corresponding scrip.
% Gain - This field displays the gains (in %) in the scrip's price during the day. % gain equals to [(LTP- Prev Close)/(Prev Close)]*100.
Volume - This field displays the volumes in the corresponding scrip during the day. A volume is the measure of scrip's quantity that is traded during the day.