Net Portfolio Report (Margin)

Net Portfolio Report (Margin) displays a list of scrips that are available in your Margin Trading account (MTA). To view this report, choose Margin option from the drop-down box and click on 'Go' button.

Net Portfolio Report (Margin) comprises of the following details:

  1. Scrip - It displays the scrip name. You can click on scrip name to get more information about it.

  2. MTA Holding - It displays the scrip quantity which is available in your Margin Trading account.

  3. P.Sett - It displays the scrip quantity which is under Previous Obligation. Previous Obligation implies to the condition when the scrip is purchased in the past but is yet to credit/debit in your Margin Trading account. Note! Negative value in this field indicates that you have sold the corresponding scrip during previous settlements.

  4. C.Sett - It displays the scrip quantity which is under Current Obligation. Current Obligation implies to the condition when the scrip is traded during the current market day. Note! Negative value in this field indicates that you have sold the corresponding scrip during the current settlement.

  5. Net.Qty - It displays the total quantity of the given scrip available in your portfolio. It is the sum of quantities given in MTA Holding, P.Sett and C.Sett.

  6. M.Price - It displays the current market price of the scrip.

  7. M.Value - It displays the current market value of the scrip.

  8. Sub-Total - It displays the cumulative sum of scrips' market values available in the specific category (A and Z) and exchange.
  9. Total - Total is displayed in the end and indicates total market values of scrips that are available in your Margin Trading account on the particular exchange.

Note! Scrips in NSE and BSE are given separately to give you a clear idea about your open positions in respective exchanges. Besides, 'A' category scrips and 'Z' category scrips are also displayed in different background colors to clearly display them distinctively.

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