How can I apply in an IPO having part-payment or discount facility ?

What do you mean by Part-payment facility?
Some Initial Public Offering (IPO) offer part-payment facility, wherein prospective investors can apply in the IPO by paying a smalle fixed amount * number of shares applied for. Later, if shares are issued to them, they will be required to pay the remaining amount.

For ex, a company XYZ has come up with a book-building issue, where the price range is Rs. 400-450. The company has offered part-payment facility wherein, the prospective investors can pay Rs. 115 at the time of applying. Let's suppose an investor has made the bid for 100 shares. Now, the amount that he has to pay to apply in this IPO is 100* 115 = Rs. 11500.

Now let's say, he is allotted 50 shares by the company XYZ at the cut-off price of Rs. 450. The remaining amount that he has to pay to the company will be (450*50) - 11500 = Rs. 11000.

What do you mean by discount ?
Some companies offer discount to its prospective investors to make the issue more attractive and hence, successful. This discounted amount is deducted from the payable amount, when you apply in an IPO through Indiabulls Online IPO feature.

For ex, a company XYZ has come up with a book-building issue, where the price range is Rs. 400-450. The company has offered discount of Rs. 20 to its retail investors. Let's suppose a retail investor has made the bid for 100 shares at the price of Rs. 450. Now, the amount that he has to pay to apply in this IPO is (450-20) * 100 = Rs. 43000. Note! The discount option is only available with full-payment type. If you make part-payment, then the discount is adjusted when you make the balance payment to the company.

How can I apply in an IPO by using part-payment facility ?
Indiabulls Online IPO facility displays a separate option called "Payment Option" from where you can choose the payment type through which you wish to apply in the given IPO. This payment type is only displayed for those IPOs in which either part-payment or discount feature is available.

  • Part-payment - in case, you wish to apply in the given IPO by making a part-payment, choose part-payment option.

  • Full-payment - in case, you wish to apply in the given IPO by making full-payment, choose Full Payment option.
Note! Payable Amount field will display the amount that you need to pay to apply in the given IPO. The value in this field can vary, according to the payment type selected by you.

How will discounted value be adjusted for the IPOs that offer this feature?
In case any IPO offers discount facility, then system will automatically adjust the discounted value against the amount that you will be required to transfer (Payable Amount). Kindly note that discount facility is only available with full-payment facility. If you make part-payment, then the discount is adjusted when you make the balance payment to the company.

Note! Payable Amount field will display the amount, after adjusting the discounted value. You will be required to transfer the amount, which is shown in this field.

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