Customize Streamer (F&O)

What do you mean by Customize Streamer ?
Customize Streamer feature lets you manage two components of your Market Watch:

  • Scrips/ Contracts - You can add / remove scrips and contracts as and when required.

  • Parameters - You can add /remove parameters as and when required.
Customize scrips/contracts and related parameters.

How to customize Contracts and Contract Parameters ?
To customize these components, click on Customize Streamer link given at the top of Market Watch window. On clicking, the system displays you the following window:

Here, you can view existing scrips/ contracts in Selected Scrips field. Similarly, you can view the existing parameters in Selected Column field.

How to add New Scrip/Contract ?
To add a new scrip/contract, follow the steps given below:

  1. To add scrip, enter scrip name in Scrips Search text box and click on 'Find' button. Similarly, to add a contract, enter the contract name in F&O Search field and click on 'Find' button. Note! You can also use Advanced Search options, in case you are unable to find the desired scrip/contract.

  2. Once you click on 'Find' button, the system works on your search criteria and displays you a list of related scrips/contracts in Available Index /Scrip field.

  3. Now to add any scrip/contract displayed in Available Index /Scrip field, first select it and then click on 'Add' button. Note! You can select multiple scrips / contracts by pressing 'Ctrl' button on your keyboard.

  4. The selected scrips/contracts will be added in your Market Watch and can be viewed in Selected Scrips field.

  5. You can arrange the position of the scrips & contracts within your Market Watch using and arrows.

How to Remove Scrip/Contract ?
To remove any scrip/contract, first select it in Selected Scrips field and then click on 'Remove' button. To remove all the scrips and contracts at one go, click on 'Remove All' button. Note! There must be atleast one scrip left in Selected Scrips area.

How to Add New Parameter ?
To add a new Parameter, follow the steps given below:

  1. In Available Column field, first click on the parameter that you would like to display in Market Watch window.

  2. Now, click on 'Add' button to add the parameter.

  3. You can arrange the position of the parameter within Market Watch window by using and arrows.

How to Remove Parameter ?
To remove any parameter from your Market Watch, first select it in Selected Columns field and then click on 'Remove' button. To remove all the parameters at one go, click on 'Remove All' button. Note! There must be atleast one scrip parameter left in Selected Column area.

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