Settlement Number

What is Settlement Number?
Settlement Number is a unique number that identifies all the trade(s) done in an exchange on the particular day. This number is generated by the exchange.

About Settlement Number Feature
By clicking on a Settlement No, you can view the list of trades done by you during that particular day. On clicking, the system displays you the following window:

View your trades in a particular settlement.

Trading Done on a Particular Settlement
Here, you can view the complete details about your trades done during the particular settlement. The details include:

  • Scrip - It displays the scrip name.

  • Product - It displays the segment in which the corresponding trade was done.

  • Exch - It displays the exchange on which the corresponding trade was done.

  • Buy Qty - It displays the scrip quantity that you have purchased.

  • Buy Amt - It displays the total amount that you paid to buy the scrip.

  • Sell Qty - It displays the scrip quantity that you have sold.

  • Sell Amt - It displays the selling amount of the given scrip.

  • Net Qty - It displays the net quantity that you have carried forward during the particular settlement.

  • Net Amt - It displays the net amount that you will pay/receive for the trades done in the corresponding scrip.

Note! The system also displays Total Buy Amount, Total Sell Amount and Brokerage Charges levied to you for trades on the given settlement. Besides, you can also view Net Amount that you will pay/receive for the trades done on the given settlement day.

Add-on Features

  • Print - To take a print out of the given page, click on 'Print' button.

  • Back - To go back to the previous page, click on 'Back' button.

  • Close - You can also close the window by clicking on 'Close' button.

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