Reference Number

Reference Number displays you the step-wise summary information on how your order is processed.

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Reference Number Table
Details displayed in Reference Number table include:

  1. Scrip - It displays the scrip name.

  2. Product - It displays the segment in which the corresponding order was placed.

  3. Exch - It displays the exchange name where the order was placed.

  4. Exch OrdNo - It displays the unique reference number generated by the exchange in response to the corresponding order.

  5. Buy/Sell - It displays whether the order was a Buy Order or a Sell Order.

  6. OrdPrice - it displays whether the order was placed at the market price or as a Limit Order.

  7. OrgQty - It displays the quantity that user has entered while placing the order.

  8. DiscQty - It displays order's Disclosed Quantity.

  9. RemQty - It displays the number of scrips that are yet to be traded.

  10. Exch OrdTime - It displays exchange's date and time when this order was placed.

  11. Trigger Price - It displays the Stop Loss Trigger price entered by the user at the time of order placement.

  12. Good Till - It displays whether the order was good till the market day or was placed as Immediate or Cancel (IOC) Order.

  13. Prot% / On Price - Note! It is only applicable in BSE traded scrips. It displays the protection percentage (%) that user had set while placing the order.

  14. Status - It displays the last updated status of the corresponding order.

  15. By - It displays who has placed this order.

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